latest fuck buddies
Member profile: meet Amelie
Welcome to the fuck buddy website, the place where we can help you find another like minded adult for some no strings attached fun. This month we have had the usual string of new members join the website, each looking for a no strings attached relationship. Each of them has duly filled out the minimum required information to be able to sign up. Some of them have also provided additional information that will help filter and select the right fuck buddy for them. Each month we like to spotlight a new member. With that in mind, it gives me great pleasure to introduce to Amelie to you.
Member spotlight: meet Kassy
Welcome to the fuck buddy website, the website for casual dating and no strings attached fun. As per usual during this period of the year, we have had the usual flood of new members join the website. Due to the general COVD restrictions that have been taking place in the last year plus, there has been a bigger shift to online dating than ever before. Activity on online dating websites and apps have surged over COVID as people reach to a more direct way of meeting a new fuck buddy or having a hook up without having to go to busy pubs or gatherings. This was especially true when those...
Member profile: meet Izzi
Welcome to the fuck buddy website, the place where we help you, and others like you, get the sex that you are looking for. The world of adult dating is full of like minded individuals, and all we have to do is to help them find each other. The task is one that is happily done as it results in happiness for all involved! The adult dating world is one that is filled with openness, honesty and a lot of people getting what they want without having to compromise on all the other elements of their lives that are often demanded by dating in the more traditional sense. It is why we do what we do,...
Member profile: meet Aileen
Welcome to the fuck buddy website! In these unusual times of coronavirus restrictions, global pandemics, and people scared to leave their homes because of COVID-19, here at the f-buddy website are here to give you some hope! We have had a flood of people joining the website looking for partners. There was a bit of a slow down at the start, but now that people have realised that this times are not going to be solved entirely next month but are likely to see us to the end of the year, we have had an influx of people looking to get themselves hooked up in time for Christmas! Everyone needs to...
Member Spotlight: Meet Carrie
Welcome to F-buddy website. As we come into the very end of the year, there is so much that we can still squeeze into 2019 before it ends. If you have a bucket list of things to do and you haven’t ticked much off this year, there is still time to make it happen! If you want to travel, book a flight now and make the rest up later. If you meant to move jobs, make some applications! It is surprising the number of jobs that open up as people leave their work for the same reasons that you want their job! If you still haven’t cleaned and tidied the house, now is a perfect time. You can start...
Member Spotlight: Meet Australia's Autumn
We are coming out of summer, and what a summer it has been! There have been some blindingly hot days, some really nice days where all you want to do is laze about naked with someone and do little else other than have sex and rest! It has been a good run, and now we are coming into the cooler autumn days, and for some of you this will be a real relief! Not everyone copes well with the heat. There seem to be a lot of girls out there that are solar powered, they thrive on the heat and things just are not the same for them without it, but for a lot of people, especially men for some reason,...
Out latest members – meet our featured member!
Welcome to f- buddy, the place where we help like-minded people find fuck buddies so that they can have no strings attached adult fun. Here at f-buddy, we have realised one thing. Sex is a human right, and whilst it is one of the greatest things that you can do, essentially it is also free! No need to save up all year to afford that holiday, you can be having the time of your life right now just by finding someone else who wants the same thing. Sex is wonderful, it is the ultimate win-win, the joy with no down side, the gift that keeps giving. If everyone had more sex, perhaps we would...
Member Spotlight: Meet Australia's March
Welcome to March. The Autumn is finally here, and the days will begin to cool a little. We can start to say good bye to the more brutal summer heat days where all you want to do is lie down and do nothing with your time. We are now in the days of warmth without the same hard edge. You are still advised to wear sun cream in the middle of the day, but you are about to enjoy the turn of the season.
Autumn also brings with it the changes of the trees, the beginning of some of those golden browns that leaves turn at this time. There is something quite magical about this time of year, I...
Member spotlight - February
Welcome to February, and the fuck buddy website, where we bring together like-minded individuals for some no strings attached adult-related fun. It’s summer, the weather is warm and shiny, and as always there is something wonderful about the way that the summer seems to bring all the beautiful people in the world out and about. Everyone is happier, hornier, and more in need of a hook up than in any other time of the year. As Robbin Williams said in Good Morning Vietnam: “It’s hot. Damn hot. Which is fine if you are with a woman…” so let’s make sure that every man out there has a woman to...
Member spotlight: Meet Andrea
Welcome to the new year! January 2018 has arrived and it brings with it all the promise of twelve months of opportunity, laughter and fun. There is nothing like a new year. Fresh start, new beginnings. This is especially good when it comes to the sexual market place. People are looking for someone fresh, something new… which is where you come in! The website here has had a good number of new members join the site, mostly a few days immediately after the new years. They are looking for people to meet up with or no strings attached hook ups, and if you can help with that, they will be...