office sex
How to establish a fuck buddy relationship at work
Work can be an excellent place to find a fuck buddy, and if you do manage to get one, the rewards of doing so are huge. Firstly you get all the extra excitement of sleeping with someone in the office and trying to keep it quiet for as long as possible. The sneaking around, the talking to each other over the office cooler without giving off the vibe that you are into each other, the arranging clandestine meetings in the stationary cupboard or after work in a local drinking hole that you both “happen” to be in at the same time, alone without anyone else. It is all very fun.
You then...
Sex with a suit
This article is mostly designed for readers who are currently not having sex with a suit, however just in case you already are having sex with a suit, you might find you haven’t been taking full advantage of the opportunity!
So are you currently sleeping with a suit, or if not are you considering it? There are so many advantages to sleeping with a suit, and I would like to take you through them now.
A suit speaking widely is someone who works in a suit. This usually refers to someone in a city job or a professional position, the most obvious being bankers or managers. I find...