popular sex spots
Top 5 Places to Have Sex in Ireland 2015
I have bent to the high demand for list posts – but only as a test to see what kind of reaction they get from our audience. Over at F-Buddy Australia we recently published a list of the most voted for places to have sex in this year. It didn’t cover a specific geographic location (more like a number of different locations), but for our Ireland members we thought we’d be a little more specific. So brace yourselves ladies and gentleman, for the top most popular places in Ireland to have sex at (or in!).
The Legalities
Firstly it’s important to know the...
Top 5 Places to Have Sex 2015
I usually hate list blogs. There are so many sites doing them now that I wonder if we’ll ever get anything decent written on the web anymore. However the trouble with list blogs is that they do attract a lot of readers. Despite my sneering of them, list blogs gain a higher click through rate than any other blogs. Unless your blog has a really catchy title, a list blog is a sure fire way to draw in an audience. So despite me objections, I have agreed to do some lists posts and see what our own audience makes of them.
As the summer is starting to creep its way in I thought we’d...