sex advice
Sex advice from a sex therapist (part 2)
Welcome to the fuck buddy website, the place where we help you meet other like-minded individuals for some casual fun. We understand that there is nothing wrong with hooking up or having a no strings attached relationship. Sex is a healthy part of life and is nothing to be ashamed of. This is something that most sex therapists, and one sex therapist in particular, agrees with. If you want to have a better sex life we thought that the best way to do this would be to take advice from an expert. There is a lot of great advice out there on the internet of course, and a lot of it is very good....
Sex advice from a sex therapist (part 1)
If we want to get better at something, listening to the professionals is always a good idea. Rather than trying to work something out ourselves, going to someone who has spent years (or even decades) thinking about that subject and taking their advice on it is always a good idea. If you needed surgery, you wouldn’t watch a YouTube video on how to do it then give it a go! You would go to a professional. So when it comes to sex, I am always surprised that people are often hesitant to go and speak to professionals about how to improve their sex life. Most people who have a fuck buddy or a...
How to be better in bed
Welcome to the fuck buddy website. If you are reading this it is because you have already found your fuck buddy through us and are now using our top tips, or because you are looking for a fuck buddy and noticed this article whilst you were here. Whether you have one or not, if you are making an effort to get a fuck buddy victory is inevitable! It can be a numbers game, so the more you do, the closer you get to finding that friends with benefits relationship that you are looking for.
Whether you have your fuck buddy or you are going to find one, being better in bed was always a good...
Routines without variation kills us
After a certain amount of living, you will hit a routine, and there is nothing wrong with this, however sexual routine can really kill your sex life, and I would like to talk about what causes this lack of sexual excitement and how to avoid it if it hasn’t happened, and how to fix it if it has.
Routines without variation kills us
We all hit routines in our lives, and there is nothing wrong with routines in a basic sense. Routines are good, they allow us to do things efficiently without having to think about them too much, and the more we do a routine the slicker and...
Sex in the Bath / Shower
Having sex outside of the bedroom is an excellent thing to do, and I cannot recommend it enough. When you have sex in a place that is designed for another purpose, the sex becomes automatically more exciting! Even if you plan it in advance it becomes more “spontaneous” feeling – especially for the other person. It can feel “naughty” and even a little taboo depending on where you decide to do it. Everyone likes a little variation, and even though the actual “sex” bit itself could be identical, let’s say you us the same position and mimic the same energy and movement, because it is somewhere...
Break the Routine for Better Sex
For most of us sex happens in the same places. There may be more than one, but often we cycle between the same settings, and even the same times of day as well. As humans we are creatures of habit, once we learn that something both works for us and i good we tend to stick within those bounds. We all know it, its called our comfort zone. This is not a bad thing by any means. One of the core requirements to reach orgasm is lack of stress, and familiarity brings with it a bucket load of confidence, which can easily help to translate to a really good time in bed!!
That being said, there...
Reignite your sex life with memory recall
If you had a sexual partner you were at one point having really great sex, and when I say great sex I mean outstanding sex... at least that is what it felt like at the time. This is an important foundation point to make in this article. It is what you felt at the time. Ultimately when it comes to sex what you feel is the only thing that matters. What is amazing sex to you may well be terrible sex to someone else. What is a huge turn on for you is a bucket of water to someone else. The important thing is to remember that the joy of sex is experiential – it...
For men – focus on your photos
This article is aimed primarily at men. When looking for an f-buddy, you come here, you log on and you message some people. Since 95% of the meet ups that occur have been initiated by the guy messaging the girl, men often forget that sometimes the girl is the one looking for the guy! Whilst his happens rarely in terms of the online interaction process, what will happen is that when you message a girl the first thing that a girl will look at is your photos.
As a man you will have spent time sorting out all the parts of your life. Your job, your home set up, your social groups. We...