We all have different times in our lives when we experience either a lower or higher sex drive. For nearly all of us, the seasons can change this. We all are driven more in the spring and the summer to have sex than in the autumn and winter. This is why it is particularly easy to find a fuck buddy in the spring and summer months. We usually have more people sign up to the website and we also see a large number of successes. That is not to say you cannot find someone outside of these months of course! It is simply that as a general, the population’s sex drive is higher at certain times of the year. There are of course other triggers to a low sex drive. In this article, we are going to focus on the physical reasons that may cause a low sex drive in you or your fuck buddy. If you think you, or your friend with benefits, is experiencing any of these, we would highly recommend you address the issue. It will benefit both of you in the long term.
Whilst drinking one glass of wine, beer, or another small amount of alcohol can put you in the mood, drinking too much can have a very real impact on your sex drive. Alcohol is a well known depressant, and as per its name it does, indeed, depress the desire for sex over time. In the moment if you are a man, it can also reduce the ability to have sex, so that is also something to be aware of! If you find you or your fuck buddy are drinking a lot and regularly, you may want to consider cutting down.
If you have had any kind of surgery or medical operations, this can affect your sex drive. Even something that is considered a “minor” operation by modern standards can have an effect on your drive and desire for sex. So if you or your fuck buddy have had some kind of surgery recently, consider giving it a little time before firing back up to full sexual steam. A dip in desire may be caused by that, and nothing more.
A lack of sleep and tiredness can be a strong contributor to a low sex drive. This can be caused by working long hours, dealing with stressful home or family issues, or insomnia or other causes of fatigue and tiredness. If you or your fuck buddy are experiencing this, then you need to solve the tiredness before you try and solve the sex issue. You can’t do the latter without dealing with the former.
So, there are my physical reasons. In the next article we are going to pick up on other causes of a low sex drive.
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