We’ve talked about bondage and fetish a lot at F-Buddy, but we’ve rarely discussed about how you do it for the first time. It’s easy to forget that there’s a first time for everyone and if you’ve been considering bondage but have been too nervous or afraid to know where to begin, then this is the blog for you.
1. Don’t be nervous – accept your fear
Yes, it’s easy to say this but harder to do it. What we mean though is to not be afraid to be nervous! Whenever you try something new there is always an element of fear. It’s the way things are. The sooner you accept that you’re a little afraid of trying bondage is the sooner you can start enjoying experimenting with it.
2. Don’t ask – do
What we mean by this is once you’ve decided to try bondage, the time for tip toeing around the subject is over. Now’s the time to try tying one another up and seeing what works for you both.
3. Discuss safe words
It’s easy to get carried away in the moment, so make sure you’ve both discussed and settled on an easy to recognise safe word. This will ensure that neither party is hurt accidentally in any way.
4. Think big, but start small
It’s the first time you’ve tried bondage so naturally things might not always work out the way you expect them to. That’s fine! But if you’re really worried about it start with something small like tying your partner’s hands together or blindfolding each other before having sex. No one got to play Carnegie Hall on their first go. It takes practise.
5. Don’t let setbacks put you off
We’ve all been in situations where sex can be a little embarrassing. It’s fine when things don’t always go according to plan. Laugh about it and have sex you’re used to having before trying again.
6. Get the right equipment
If you’re going to try bondage you should try it properly and invest in some proper equipment. I’m not talking about chains and whips (that’s for the professionals), but the right kind of ties and restraints. You can buy all manner of safe bondage gear on the web so let your imagination rip and get equipped!
7. Have fun!
Remember bondage is all about adding to the sexual experience. Sex is supposed to be fun so remember: have fun!
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