One of the best things about having a fuck buddy or a friends with benefits relationship is that you can really experiment in the bedroom. Due to the sexual focus of the partnership, a fuck buddy is way more likely to be up for trying new things out in the bedroom, and that can be very exciting. That can start as just trying out new sexual positions, which is always a good idea as let's face it, missionary position is about the worst position if you are trying to make a woman come / if you are a woman and you want to come. It is just not how we are really built to have sex. There are all sorts of other things that you can try out now though as well, from toys to films to the latest lubricant. An easy one that requires no real preparation is ice.
Everyone has ice in their house. All you have to do to use it is to fish it out of the freezer. It can be surprisingly exciting to use it and it is a low-level thing to play with as you can’t really hurt or damage the other person in any way by using it. So it is a no loss thing to try!
Using ice if you are a woman
There is one perfect use for ice if you are a woman. Use the temperature change. Pop some in your mouth, allow the ice to really cool your mouth before giving your man a blow job. The ideal thing to do is to start the blow job without any ice, so that your mouth is warm, then use some ice whilst keeping him busy with your hand before unleashing the new sensations your mouth will bring to him. The switch is explosive!
Using ice if you are a man
The same principles apply to men. If you are going down on your woman, using some ice to drop the temperature of your tongue and see her squirm in pleasure as you stimulate her in ways that she has never felt before. If you are able to, blindfold her first and don’t tell her what you are going to do… the surprise will make your fuck buddy enjoy it even more.
Using ice on the rest of the body
You can, and should, also play with ice on the rest of your fuck buddy’s body. Across the chest, around the nipples, whilst you kiss… the best thing to do is to experiment and just see what you like!
So have a go and popping some ice into your sex cocktail, you will love it!
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