Like it or not, there is still a stigma attached to having casual sex when you’re a woman. Whereas guys who sleep around are often treated like heroes or shrugged off as ‘well boys will be boys’, women who talk about having lots of casual sex are demonized. It’s unfair and I hope that one day not long from now, this stigma will disappear along with a lot of other medieval tripe about sex. Aside from the stigma though, women have to deal with more anxieties and worries about casual sex than men. Below are some of the top things women often deal with when having casual sex.
1. Constantly anxious over STD test results
Fact of the matter is even when using a condom, men and women always get nervous over a test result when sleeping around.
2. Not wearing the best underwear
Casual sex is often unexpected, so there’s nothing worse than being caught out wearing an old pair of granny panties. Not cool.
3. Nervous about being pregnant even though you use condoms and are on the pill
That fear never goes away no matter how careful you are. As guys we’ve got it far easier than women!
4. When a guy wants to cuddle after
I'm happy to dispel the myth that all women want to cuddle after sex. They don’t. If it’s casual sex and you’re having a cuddle, it’s not casual sex. Women know this better than men.
5. Having friends insult you
They don’t mean to, but women often criticize their own friends for having casual sex…even though they used to do it as well before they found ‘Mr Perfect’. Vomit inducing.
6. Forgetting the guy’s name
When you’re sleeping with different guys it’s hard to remember everyone’s name. Guys do it too when sleeping around. Pretty even keel on this one.
7. Having to change bed linen frequently
When you’re in a relationship you don’t care as much, but when you’re sleeping with different people there’s nothing worse than having reminders of your last conquest all over the sheets before your next one turns up.
8. Awkward conversation after
You’ve both just had great sex, but for some reason the guy starts a conversation. Er…no. You’re there for sex. Not conversation. Just sex.
9. Being on your period
Again as guys we just don’t understand how much more complicated casual sex can be logistically for a woman. When you’re ‘on’ sex is the last thing on your mind.
10. Body Hair maintenance
Guys don’t really care about their own hair…and to be honest we don’t care too much about yours as long as we get sex. But we do admit that women think more about their bikini lines and arm pits then us. Why? Because that’s what dumb ass society dictates.
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