Every year we all make resolutions we never keep.
“I will quit smoking”
“I will stop drinking”
“I will go on a diet”
“I will be more responsible with money”
The promises go on and on but by the time February rolls around we are left with nothing but broken promises and a vague sense of failure in our stomachs. Why do we always break our resolutions? Why do not have the willpower to see these things through? One answer would be that we are weak. However that isn’t the real reason. The real reason is simple and not as hurtful. We are just unrealistic with our resolutions!
More Sex for 2015
Smoking is one of the hardest things to quit. Dieting is one of the hardest things to achieve. Learning how to manage our finances is one of the hardest challenges we have. We need something to look forward to. We need something to reward us when we go a certain number of days without cigarettes, or have a lime and coke instead of a vodka lemonade. We need sex!
Sex can give us the impetus to achieve all our other resolutions. It makes us feel better about ourselves. It provides an increased endorphin count in our bloodstream leading us to feel like we can achieve anything – particularly useful when trying to give something up. And by the way, sex is not a vice so you should never give it up.
Enjoy Sex in 2015
We need to enjoy ourselves more in the bedroom. We need to get laid more. We need to explore more positions. We need to try new things with our sex partners. We need to enjoy everything sex has to offer especially as we’re busy giving lots of other things up. In 2015 we want everyone to enjoy sex a lot more.
If you want to make any resolutions that don’t involve starving yourself or denying yourself a pleasure that’s bad for you, then make a resolution that allows you one pleasure that isn’t bad for you. Make yourself a pledge right here and now to have more enjoyable sex in 2015. Don’t just go out and fuck anything that comes along – we like to think you all have standards – but do be more open minded about your sexual activity. Allow yourself and your partners to enjoy sex in 2015.
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