For all the flirty dirty talk, we have never really talked about the other benefits to having lots of sex. Health wise it’s one of the best activities you can engage in working both the cardiovascular and musculature systems at a high pace.
Sounds boring doesn’t it?
What’s not boring though is the myriad of ways you can use sex to boost your health and social life off the scale.
Sexercise your way to a richer lifestyle
Amongst the top benefits of a rich and varied sex life is a positive mental attitude to the world around you. When you’ve had a good long fuck you just tend to feel more at ease with the world and everyone within it. How many times have you felt so relaxed after sex that the rest of the day rolls by with ease? In fact isn’t it amazing how so many problems seem to miraculously disappear after you start getting laid?
But what are the specific benefits I hear you ask?
1. Healthier Skin (possibly)
Dr Eric Braver founder of the PATH Medical Centre in New York City states that having sex releases a key chemical compound into the blood stream that has a number of health benefits – including a better complexion. Our bodies produce a hormone called dehydroepiandrosterone (try saying that after you’ve had a few drinks…it’s hard enough sober!) during sex which boost the immune system, can decrease depression and provide healthier skin. Not bad.
2. Pain Relief
If you suffer from a number of aches, pains and minor ailments, then sex provides a perfect natural painkiller. The release of natural endorphins into the blood stream during sex is all the body needs to relieve any painful symptoms you have. Having a headache becomes a great reason to have sex.
3. Improved Mental Health
This is a no brainer and comes back to what I talked about earlier; isn’t it amazing how many problems either disappear or become much more solvable to deal with after you’ve had a really good sex session? Psychologically sex improves one’s health by building intimacy (even if it’s only for a few hours) and reducing stress. We should all be fucking like bunnies whenever we have a problem in our minds.
4. It can improve your heart
Sex is fun. It is also great exercise for the heart when delivered with gusto. Cardiovascular reaction throughout the body increases the blood flow to the brain and other key areas providing a thoroughly healthy workout. The heart is the engine and sex is like a Super Premium Petrol that really gets the engine going.
5. Better night’s sleep
Again a bit of a no brainer but sex really does provide a better night’s sleep after you’ve banged each other’s brains out. The body is naturally relaxed, the mind is less stressed and together this leads to a sound night’s sleep.
6. It can make you thinner
Fact: Sex burns between 75 to 150 calories per hour depending on how much effort you put into it. It can also help your muscles stay toned and lean in the process so if you haven’t had time to hit the gym, hit a fuck buddy up instead and watch that fat fly far far away…if you still have any that is.
Sexercise Success
Sexercise only really has health benefits if you are truly prepared to work hard at it. Like anything practice makes perfect so if you’re looking to get healthy in a fun way, tap up a fuck buddy and have a good long play…in bed.
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