If you’re reading this today – Christmas Day – then you either
a) Haven’t got a casual hook up planned for today.
b) Are desperate to evade the awkward family day of arguments, awkward questions and have hidden in front of your computer or phone
c) Are bored
d) All of the above
Christmas is always a holiday that splits emotions down the middle. Especially when it comes to sex and dating. For me the worst part are the thousands of advice columns, websites, magazine and more all harping on about how we should all be enjoying Christmas sex like it’s going out of fashion. Now yes, this is an adult dating site. And yes we encourage all our members to go out and hook up with each other in a safe and responsible manner where possible. And yes, we are sometimes just as guilty as those thousands of advice columns, dating sites and magazines for making you feel guilty and lonely just because you don’t have a partner or fuck buddy right now.
At least we’re honest about it.
But what if you don’t actually need a partner to enjoy some Christmas sex with?
Go it alone
Sex is great when it’s with someone you connect with. We encourage all our fuck buddy’s to have sex with another member they actually like and fancy rather then with someone who just wants to have sex for the sake of it. Personally that kind of sex is never much fun. Feel free to prove me wrong members…but I doubt you will.
In any case what if despite your best efforts, you’ll be spending Christmas Day fending off the intrusive questions from friends and family, the classic being ‘So how’s your love life? Have you met anyone special?’
“No Aunty Molly, I haven’t found anyone special, and to be honest even if I did you wouldn’t be the first person I’d share it with as let’s be honest, it’s none of your business and I’d really like it right now if you’d just fuck off and leave me alone. Okay?”
You can avoid this by simply removing yourself from the situation. Now I know everyone has commitments at Christmas, but just because you don’t have a partner or fuck buddy to hand, doesn’t mean you can’t make your own sex fun for today.
This is still treated with the same disdain Catholic schools drummed into the thousands of sexually repressed adults walking around in the world today. But it is one of the best ways to relieve some excess stress. So if you can find some time to enjoy yourself without being interrupted by an annoying family member or friend. Christmas is your time too.
Write down 5 sex positions that you want to try in 2014
A bit like a New Year’s resolution, but this is a great way to get your mind primed for searching for someone new and keeps you open to new possibilities. It’s much healthier then just getting drunk and being miserable.
Positive reinforcement - Look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you are a good attractive person
Again this is a good way to gain a measure of yourself and how you think other people see you. A lot of people don’t like looking at their own reflection, but you need to do this to remind yourself that you are a good person, are attractive and can get a partner or fuck buddy any time you want. Positive reinforcement works best when other people are doing it to you, but to be truly effective you have to start by believing it yourself. A useful exercise at any time of the year, this can be especially useful at Christmas.
Write down 5 things about yourself that you like
If you like them, someone else will too as people pick up on the passion and confidence you have when you talk about what you like.
So remember, if you’re by yourself this Christmas it doesn’t have to be a total bust. Just take a deep breath, and maybe try some of the suggestions I’ve made.
Happy Christmas!
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