Society is constantly telling is that sleeping around with different partners is ‘bad’ and that anyone doing it is leading an ‘unhealthy’ lifestyle. People in monogamous relationships often look down on those that prefer multiple partners or people who maintain several open relationships. The truth is though that sex is one of the most primitive and basic human needs. We all want it because our bodies are programmed to want it. To deny this and scoff at those who don’t do it in the prescribed societal manner is idiotic at best and downright dangerous and damaging at worst.
How casual sex can help
People often turn to casual sex when they have come out of a long term monogamous relationship. I know I did and I also know it hasn’t done me any harm in the long run. Rather then doing me the damage that modern society predicts on a daily basis, it actually helped me realise my value again. After I broke up with my last girlfriend I was like many people fresh out of a relationship, in a pretty low state. I didn’t have sex for months. In fact I wasn’t even interested in women for nearly six months. I even went on several dates with women a month after I had split up with my girlfriend only to realise I wasn’t ready yet. All normal and all fine. However several months go by and guess what? I’m craving the company and warmth of another body next to mine in the bedroom.
So I started dating again and oddly enough the first time I slept with a new woman, I was surprised by how good it made me feel. Someone other then my girlfriend was attracted to me and wanted to sleep with me? Big compliment at any point in your life and a huge ego boost and realisation of your true value.
The nub of the truth
Yes it is nice to be in a long term relationship, but only if you’re with a compatible partner sexually and mentally. If you’re not then the sex and your life can be total hell. Casual sex offers a way to reconnect with yourself and with other people at the most basic human level. It can help to remind you of your value and is a whole lot of fun at the same time if done properly. The freedom casual sex grants allows you to free yourself of inhibitions and discover things about yourself that you might not have discovered in a monogamous relationship because you were too afraid to try.
And if you’re looking to get back into a committed monogamous relationship then having casual sex in fact better prepares you to be with the right person in the long term. You’ll know more about what you like and don’t like and be far more comfortable with yourself.
So to all the naysayers of casual sex; grow up and get your fuck on.
Happy fucking!
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