It’s easily done, but often people mistake casual sex for something more. Even when you think you’ve been clear from the outset that you’re only after sex, certain things and actions you say and do often send a miscommunication to the other party. How do you ensure that the sex is kept casual?
1. No cuddling
This sounds obvious but we’ve all done it. You’ve had sex and afterward you both feel a warm glow of togetherness that makes you want to snuggle up for a bit. The only problem is that cuddling can give off signals that one of you wants something more. Why cuddle someone you just want to have sex with?
2. Talking: Avoid foot in mouth syndrome
This usually results directly from cuddling. A casual remark like talking about your future kids can be misconstrued by the other party as you wanting to have kids with them. Women in particular are very good at reading between the lines of conversation so avoid talking about ‘the future’ or telling her how much you like her.
3. No presents
Whilst buying a woman flowers or buying a man a DVD or aftershave is nice, you don’t want to be doing it for someone you just want sex from.
4. Traps: Avoid them
Both sides set them up, but women do it more often then men. If she starts saying things like “you’re just using me for sex!” and cries then get out as soon as possible. You’re doing each other an injustice by trying to string it out.
5. Keep up the search
I know it probably sounds illogical that a casual dating site is recommending this but do keep looking for someone. When you have a lot of casual sex there is a tendency to become lazy and not put as much effort into dating especially when ‘Gigalo Joe’ or ‘Lovely Lucy’ is a booty call away. You could (and people have) let golden opportunities pass by because you’re too invested in the easy sex that comes your way.
So remember to keep things casual be open and honest about the situation being just sex. Also remember to remind yourself that it is just sex. The moment it starts becoming complicated is the moment you should eject or commit.
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