It happens to every bloke at some point in his life. You’re making out with a really hot woman be it your girlfriend/wife/fuck buddy and enjoying yourself. You get her clothes off, you get your clothes off and then, all of a sudden…nothing. You think ‘What the hell is going on?’ You’ve been kissing and stroking and groping for the last however long and now just when it counts, your cock lets you down. Or rather your cock let’s itself down. How can this happen? You ask yourself ‘What’s wrong?’ Well, sometimes there might be something wrong physically, but most of the time it’s in your head.
Erectile dysfunction – no they’re not dirty words – can strike at any point in a man’s life. The way to recover from it quickly is to deal with it quickly. Any number of the following things can affect your erection:
• Alcohol
• Bad diet
• Medication from other illness
• Stress
• No spark with partner
• Tiredness
• Age related fatigue
• Allergic reaction
• Guilt
So how do you solve the problem?
A one off is nothing to worry about too much. You could just be tired, stressed and in need of a good night’s sleep. Sex is exercise at the end of the day, but sometimes your body just needs to relax. If you’re experiencing more than a ‘one off’, you might want to start looking at other areas of your life for the solution. For example if you’ve been eating a load of crap – pizza, chips, burgers, fatty cheese – a lot of the time, then you should start thinking about cutting down. Try eating some healthier foods. Green vegetables and fruit prepared properly can taste amazing.
If you’re healthy and not suffering from fatigue then your problem is most likely in your head. So it’s your head that you need to look at. Why do you think you can’t get it up? Do you feel stressed at work/home for example? Or is it that you just don’t fancy your partner? That’s okay if you don’t by the way. We always encourage our members to have sex with someone they fancy and not just have sex for the sake of having sex.
Look at the causes first and the solution will follow. Don’t just go and buy a packet of Viagra.
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