Do you remember your first orgasm – the first time you came? Maybe you do... and if you do it is likely that it was whilst you are alone. You were probably lying in bed having a wet dream and in a delightful explosion of sperm / fluid, you came. When you woke you weren’t quite sure what had happened, but you liked it. The other likely way was you had your first masturbation session. What you used whether picture, erotic fiction or likely just pure imagination doesn’t matter. You learned that you could make yourself feel a certain way, and it was pretty good! The one exception to this is if you are a girl and you rode horses through puberty... in which case you had your first orgasm whilst riding a horse, it was amazing, and at the least through your teenage years you loved horses to a near obsession level and wanted to do nothing but ride horses for your whole life.
Do you remember the first kiss you had? It was exciting, and scary and definitely a little weird. I mean the act and feeling was weird. The kudos you got from your friends from doing it was brilliant, but the actual kiss itself was a bit rubbish. I mean how could it be good? You were new to it, and you had no idea what you were doing... so you rode it out and as time when on it got better. YOU got better at it, because you were just doing it. That’s how you get good at anything.
Do you remember your first lay? The first time you actually had sex with someone? First times are rarely great. I know a few people who said it was “good” - but that is rare and I think that many of those people are exaggerating... heavily exaggerating! The first time was like the first kiss – but magnified by one hundred. Increased by a thousand. It was scary, you were super nervous, you had no idea at all what you were doing despite having talked about it loads with your friends and probably researched it and read about it. You probably had even seem pictures of it... but in the moment none of that helped. You again got applauded afterwards by your friends for making it happen, but the actual act itself wasn’t the mind blowing thing you had been led to believe that it was. It was... alright.
...but then it got better. A LOT better. I mean it became amazing! It just took some time and practice. It took you learning what you really like and what you don’t like. It took finding out how to make the other person come, and how to help them make you come, and when it all came together is a glorious explosion of, well, come it was all worth it.
The Sex just keeps getting better – as infact everything (overall) in terms of YOU keeps getting better over time. So keep doing it, living it and experiencing it, and your life can only be more joyful. Now go get laid.
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