There are many things that can increase our sex drive and desire for sex. Food is a really well-known example. People spend all sorts of money on expensive oysters or strange and exotic foods in order to increase the desire for sex and enhance their fuck buddy’s sexual experience. Chocolate, champagne, certain types of squid, these are all purported to increase the desire for sex and enhance libido. One of the scientifically studied areas is danger and death. In this article, I would like to talk about the connection between danger, death and sex, and how you might use this information to either increase the chances of hooking up with someone, or having an amazing sexual time with either your fuck buddy, friend with benefits, or one night stand.
Danger equals death
The first thing to establish is that the threat of danger, to the brain, brings the possibility of death. So for the purposes of this discussion, danger equals death. The higher the danger levels, the greater the chance of death, the stronger the effect.
It does not have to real
To the brain, the perception of danger is the same as the danger being real. If your brain *thinks* that you are in danger the same chemical reactions happen as if you are in that danger. Horror films, and fairground rides are great examples. All the danger has been removed, but your brain does not understand this so you go through the same thing.
When you have the perception of a threat of danger (which the brain interprets as death)
So we have a very strong survival mechanism inbuilt into us. We want to live. So in the moment itself you just want to live. This manifests as one of five reactions: fight, flight, freeze, flop, friend. After the perceived danger is over, in the immediate aftermath, your brain perceives that you nearly died. The larger the perceived danger, the stronger the experience. Procreation being a key survival act for the species, your body is drive to procreate there and then. You have to have sex and pass on your genetic seed. What if you die before you can have kids? So you are suddenly sexually more awake. The higher the danger, the more turned on you are going to be after. If there was fear involved, and there usually is, the sex also provides a really good escape as well, as you move out of your brain and into your body instead.
How this can be “used”
When you are next meeting a potential or actual fuck buddy or looking for a hook up, consider going to somewhere there is a brain perceived danger. A science experiment involving a woman asking men questions first on a bridge across a chasm and then on a safe pavement showed that the people were much more attracted to her for being somewhere there was some perceived danger. So do that. Go see a horror film, take him/her to a fairground. A really nice one is to go to a roof top bar really high up and then have drinks near to the edge. You are completely safe, but the gentle reminder of impending doom from the drop will drive you and your fuck buddy to want each other more.
Good luck, and more importantly, have fun!
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