It is widely accepted that when it comes to having partners, we ‘ought’ to be monogamous. This is something that pervades the whole of society and is an accepted truth. The way that we ‘should’ have relationships is to go out, find someone, court them and no one else, then form a monogamous partnership that lasts for the rest of our lives. We are raised to believe this and we pass that belief on to our kids and reinforce it in the people around us. However, this is simply not how things always have been, no matter how we might wish to believe that it is. In fact, having fuck buddies were really how things were when we were more in touch with our natural selves.
We come from nature and ultimately we are one animal of the animal kingdom. That is not to say we are not the dominant force! Our ability to make tools, to use our intellect to create and invent things to propel us into the forefront as the dominant species is quite incredible. We now fly in metal boxes through the air like birds and can talk to people on the other side of the world as if we are telepaths. The human race is amazing… but we are also all just animals. We came from the animal kingdom and all the instincts and drives that were part of our make up still reside within us. The desire and drive to have sex are one of these residual instincts.
Just as it would have been during cave times, we want to have sex and procreate. We cannot help it, it is simply part of who we are as human creatures. We also want to do so in a way that is most likely to make our offspring successful in the animal kingdom, which is why we are attracted to certain people and we all fight over the prime members of our race. There is a reason that we all lust after supermodels, actors and other high profile people. It is hard-wired into us to want to have sex upwards.
We also are hard-wired to be non-monogamous. Back in the caveman days we would have had sex with more than one person! The ‘leader’ of the pack would have had sex with the most, with things tapering down from there. So when we talk about having a fuck buddy, we are simply talking about doing things in the way that we used to. This is not a new invention or way of living, we all used to do this as the normal!
So if you have ever considered trying a no strings attached relationship and have never done it before, remember this: it was how things always used to be.
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