halloween sex
Death and Sex – a Halloween special
For a lot of people, the festival of Halloween is a fun, family affair. Everyone gets dressed up as ghosts and ghouls. You then all go out trick or treating, gathering your sweets and sugary goodies by going door to door to see what you can scavenge. Eventually, with your stash of sweets, you head home for a night of sugar fuelled pandemonium. It was great fun to do this as a kid… but as an adult, this is not something that you can do anymore. So instead, how can Halloween make your life a better place? Why by helping you to have sex of course! The question you might pose, and reasonably...
Hooking up on Halloween
Halloween is a long-standing celebration that dates back nearly two thousand years. According to its Celtic roots, it takes place on New Year’s Day. On this day the barriers that separate those living on the Earth and the dead become thin and easier to cross, and so it is on this day that ghosts, spirits, demons and fairies are said to walk the Earth. Dressing up as a demon was a way of disguising yourself as one of the undead, and thus avoid their wrath! If they do not recognise you, they won’t hurt you. It made a lot of sense if you accept the belief system behind it. They also offered...
All Hallows Sex
Sex may be on our minds all of the time here at F-Buddy, but we do occasionally think of something else. Mainly the many different ways themed nights and parties are used as an excuse to have sex. Halloween for example is a mere two months away. Traditionally known for its spooks, spectres, ghosts and goblins, Halloween is also known for something else.
Halloween is the sluttiest time of the year.
All Hallows Eve
Halloween is the one time a lot of women dress up in some extremely revealing costumes mainly because they have the social safety barrier...