erectile dysfunction
How to last longer in bed for men
When it comes to sex, pretty much everyone would benefit from having more of it. Many people are raised thinking that men want sex more than women do. This is simply not the case. Men and women both desire sex just as equally, and in fact, I would argue that women actually have the capacity to develop a desire and drive for sex far more compelling than any men. Why you ask? Of all the men I have spoken to on the subject, I have never had a man tell me that they found themselves left uncontrollable shaking and moaning on the bed following sex, unable to think or understand where they are or...
What to do if you can’t…perform
It happens to every bloke at some point in his life. You’re making out with a really hot woman be it your girlfriend/wife/fuck buddy and enjoying yourself. You get her clothes off, you get your clothes off and then, all of a sudden…nothing. You think ‘What the hell is going on?’ You’ve been kissing and stroking and groping for the last however long and now just when it counts, your cock lets you down. Or rather your cock let’s itself down. How can this happen? You ask yourself ‘What’s wrong?’ Well, sometimes there might be something wrong physically, but most of the time it’s in...