shower sex
To shower or not shower
When it comes to sex things are looking up for you right now. Logged online, you found a fantastic fuck buddy that you really like and that really likes you, and the best part is they live locally! You are all set for a brilliant sexy month. So, you might look at the article tonight and think what has this got to do with me? To shower or not to shower? What on earth has that got to do with sex? You may not have thought about it, but showering can make a huge difference to your sexual experience, whether before during or after. Let's look at all 3.
Should you shower before sex?...
Sex in the Bath / Shower
Having sex outside of the bedroom is an excellent thing to do, and I cannot recommend it enough. When you have sex in a place that is designed for another purpose, the sex becomes automatically more exciting! Even if you plan it in advance it becomes more “spontaneous” feeling – especially for the other person. It can feel “naughty” and even a little taboo depending on where you decide to do it. Everyone likes a little variation, and even though the actual “sex” bit itself could be identical, let’s say you us the same position and mimic the same energy and movement, because it is somewhere...