the best sexual role models
Why 10/10 models make great fuck buddies but bad girlfriends
To some degree, all of us appear attractive to the right person. We all have different tastes and preferences, so someone may be your perfect fuck buddy, someone that you want to not just hook up with in the moment, but create a long term friends with benefits relationship with. That same person, for someone else, may be repulsive! They may find them not only unattractive but repellent! Someone’s cast aside is someone else’s gold! So there really is someone for everyone out there. That being said, there are some people that are objectively attractive, and some of them are what we call 10/...
Terrible sexual role models lead to stalkers and weirdoes
As we grow up we develop our personalities and our behaviors based on a whole bunch of stuff. Things like what our families are like and how they act, what our friendship circle find acceptable we also find acceptable, what the people that we look up to choose to do also influences what we choose to think is “cool” or a “good” thing to be doing. There is a group influence that causes us to think in a certain way, to feel in a certain way about things, and to think that one way of acting is okay when another is either embarrassing or even plain rude.
Role Models play one of...