winter sex
Chatting people up on the chairlift or how to find a fuck buddy on a ski slope
Welcome to the fuck buddy website, the place where we help like-minded individuals find each other for some adult fun. February is one of the best months to skiing. We are still well in the zone of snow season, the weather can often be bright and sunny, and it is easier to get time off work outside of the Christmas busy season in order to make it happen. Skiing (or snowboarding) is also a near perfect holiday. You are getting exercise, are in the sun which stimulates happy hormones and you are in nature away from computers, screens and other technology. You finish your days having had a...
Top Two Winter Sex Tips for you and your Fuck Buddy!
Winter can be one of the worst times for people’s sex lives. It is cold, it gets dark really early, and this year due to the global pandemic people are out and about a lot less. It is much harder to meet people and hook up with people that you do meet. There are restrictions on how many people you can see and when you can see them. It is a very difficult setting! All of this is in light of Christmas which ought to be one of the best times to hook up. Well I am here to give those of you who are putting yourselves out there and still finding a fuck buddy to have fun with some top tips to...
Two Top tips to spice up your sex life this winter
December is one of the best months of the year. Work tends to slow down as we approach the Christmas holidays, or if it doesn’t slow down, it speeds up in anticipation of the coming days off that are about to land! Either way, Christmas is a fabulous to time to either meet a new fuck buddy or take advantage of the one that you already have. You have the time to do it and by it, yes, I do mean sex! You also have all the added benefits of the winter and Christmas being around to spice up your sex life. You cannot escape it, so you may as well embrace it.
I am here to help you take...
As the temperature outside goes down, the heat in the bedroom goes up
Winter is most definitely here. We have seen our first lot of snow come down – albeit rather slowly and it didn’t stay on the ground for very long. ASOS the clothing company saw a 40% drop in share price, which is partly blamed on the milder weather! It seems people don’t spend as much money on changing into a winter wardrobe when they can get away with staying in their Autumn clothes. Despite the slow start to the winter, it is finally here, and with the drop in temperature comes a change across the board. People don’t like to stay out as late or as long, you will find yourself getting...
How does the cold weather affect sex?
Welcome to March, and what a strange start to the month it has been. Whilst there are a number of people that claim there is no evidence of climate change, that we are having no impact on the warmth of the world, I think that this week has stood as personal testament and evidence that this may not be the case! We have seen a white Christmas morning, clean and beautiful and perfect… and it is March! Not even January!
The cold weather has a strange effect on people in all sorts of ways. People work slower and less productively than they usually do, so output drops. People get lazier...