best films for sex
Fuck Buddy Snuggle time – the coronavirus edition
When we have a fuck buddy, the main activity that we do is have sex. Sex is a major human need and having it with someone is giving them the gift of sex just as much as they give it to you. A friends with benefits relationship really is two way. Both people are often living their best lives when they have one.
However, the coronavirus pandemic has put a major spanner in the works. Moving around is harder, going out is harder, hooking up on a night out just doesn’t happen at the moment. This means that if you have an established fuck buddy relationship in place, nurturing it is...
For sex: RomComs are terrible and Horror films are amazing!
So you meet a girl, she is a real honey and you want to drag this girl back to your cave as soon as humanly possible. You hope to turn her into one of your fuck buddies, maybe an occasional hook up booty, but you would happily accepts a one night stand if that was what was on offer. She wants it too, and is keen to meet up. She then drops the bomb… “lets go watch a film”. Now your instinct would be to go watch something romantic like a romcom. Your instinct is wrong, and you must ignore it. Here is why.
Romcoms set the bar at impossible levels
You think that RomComs...