how sex can change the world
Sex is the best thing in the world
Some of the greatest pleasures are ones that come from the body. They are a basic need, and they are driven by a fierce desire that comes from the body because they are crucial to survival. Anyone without that drive or instinct has quickly been bred out, and thus people are no longer born without that drive. A great example of this is food. We all need to eat to live. If we do not eat, then ultimately, we die. As humans we love food! We crave it, we will spend vast sums of money on it, we will travel far to get certain foods or book restaurants months in advance just to be able to consume...
What would a world where everyone was getting laid look like?
As people, we can spend a surprising amount of thinking time and effort into the process of getting laid. We are a sex obsessed race, and understandably so! Sex is one of the most fun things that you can do with your life. Orgasming is not only one of life’s great highs, but leaves you feeling good about yourself. It has a whole ton of benefits. Unfortunately not everyone is having sex. If you are open to the idea of a no strings attached relationship then you are in a much better position, but some people have never had a fuck buddy in their life, and they are closed to the idea of it...