From the popular to the downright bizarre, sexual fetishes have dominated humankind since we first figured out how to interlock bodies. Some people enjoy simple spanking and rimjobs, but others go in for some extremely odd and wonderful fetishes. We did a trawl of the internet and in the office to find out what the most popular sexual fetishes are today in 2013.
Some won’t surprise you…some will make you wonder if we should all be committed for being so fucked up.
1. Stomachs
So according to many women’s and lads mags, the stomach remains one of the most popular fetishes in the bedroom. One bloke has even been quoted as saying he can’t come inside a woman – it has to be on her stomach. Another bloke said he preferred a woman with a little pot belly. Most people – men and women – get turned on by taut tight stomachs.
2. Leather, Rubber, Latex etc
This was another one that has become very popular amongst men and women. Guys love the feel of tight PVC whilst some women enjoy seeing men wrapped up in latex. Both agreed that tight latex and leather are huge turn ons.
3. Foot and Mouth
Not really surprising this one, but out of 1,000 people polled, around 76% leant towards obsessing over feet and mouths when it came to thinking about and having sex. Hands also figured highly.
4. Pigtails & Ponytails
97% of men polled in the same survey admitted that they loved fucking a woman who kept her hair braided or tied up in some fashion with pigtails and pony tails coming out on top. Better to hold onto when fucking her from behind I suppose…
5. Water
A bit surprising, but there was an almost even split with both men and women saying they enjoyed sex best when in or around a variant of water. Waterfalls, oceans, baths, lubricants, rivers all featured highly in sexual gratification.
6. The Golden Shower
Pissing on someone may not be everyone’s thing, but for around 56% of couples, golden showers figure highly in sexual enjoyment.
7. Voyeurism and Exhibitionism
A no brainer on the fetish scale – why do you think there are so many fancy dress parties and dogging incidents. Men and women love the thrill of dressing up and watching others fuck – we’re all naturally built this way it seems.
8. Gerontophilia
“What the fuck is that?” was the first question I asked when confronted with this word. Well apparently load of people have a natural fetish for the…older human being, particularly the elderly. Each to their own. We don’t judge.
9. Salirophilia
What surprised me most about a lot of these fetishes is that they have technical names. You’ll be more familiar with this one as being where people enjoy the soiling or soiled clothes of one’s desire – usually an attractive person. Pass the sick bucket…no wait…some people like that. Again no judgement.
10. Dummies
Yep, many people love fucking plastic dolls and mannequins.
What’s your fetish?
Sit down and ask yourself this question, because the chances are, you have one or more and you might not even realise it.
Happy fucking!
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