sexual fetishes
Sexual Fetishes
Sexual fetishes are a fascinating subject to most of us. We are not only interested in what we want in the bedroom (or outside the bedroom, or in a lift, or in public depending on your fetish!). We are also fascinated by what other people are into. We love hearing about other people’s sex lives, and we see this in all aspects of our society. We see it on television, with story lines focused and revolving around peoples sex lives, relationships. We see this in the office, where the most gossiped thing is the latest movement of whom is having sex with whom. We also spend a lot of time and...
Most Popular Sexual Fetishes
From the popular to the downright bizarre, sexual fetishes have dominated humankind since we first figured out how to interlock bodies. Some people enjoy simple spanking and rimjobs, but others go in for some extremely odd and wonderful fetishes. We did a trawl of the internet and in the office to find out what the most popular sexual fetishes are today in 2013.
Some won’t surprise you…some will make you wonder if we should all be committed for being so fucked up.
1. Stomachs
So according to many women’s and lads mags, the stomach remains one of the...