fuck buddy or partner
Selection is the key to a good fuck buddy
If you are looking for any kind of sexual relationship, I have come to realise that the real key to having the best sex of your life, is selection. The main factor that will alter or change your sex life for the better or worse, when all factors are taken into account, is whom are you sleeping with. Did you select the right person in the first place? This is also the key factor I believe in whether or not you ended up with a good relationship, a good life partner, a good husband or wife. It is the fundamental to if you had a good business partner or housemate too! Almost any relationship...
Do your perfect sexual partner a favour – find them and fuck them
We all have certain preferences when it comes to having sex with people. Maybe that is how we like to have sex, fast or slow, hard or soft. For some people it is what is needed to turn them on, some people like to be tied up, other people like to be punished, others like none of that and want something extremely vanilla and anything kinky is actually a huge turn off. Some people like it roughm, some people like it soft, most (but not all) people enjoy either being taken/taking someone... what ever it is you like there is a strong argument that one of your life missions is to find that...
Don’t be weird – be direct
This article is aimed more at the men of this world – though it does have some applications to the ladies of this world as well.
When you see a girl that you like, I mean really like, it is hard to suppress the urge to look at her. We all have different tastes, different types of woman that we are interested in. Some people like stick thin girls that they can easily pick up and throw around the bedroom, other people go crazy for large woman with those amazing behinds of theirs. If you like big women, you probably wouldn’t take a second glance at a thin one. The opposite is true for...
How do you know when a fuck buddy has become something more?
At face value this is quite a simple question. In practise we all know that it is a little more complicated than that. Having sex the first time with anyone is always exciting, and lust takes over from rational emotion. However there are some tell tell signs which should help you determine whether or not relationship has become more then sex, or if it is just sex.
1. The Morning After
There are massive schools of thought who suggest that in order to maintain a long term casual sex relationship; you must never under any circumstances allow your fuck buddy to...