This article is aimed more at the men of this world – though it does have some applications to the ladies of this world as well.
When you see a girl that you like, I mean really like, it is hard to suppress the urge to look at her. We all have different tastes, different types of woman that we are interested in. Some people like stick thin girls that they can easily pick up and throw around the bedroom, other people go crazy for large woman with those amazing behinds of theirs. If you like big women, you probably wouldn’t take a second glance at a thin one. The opposite is true for men who like smaller girls. Many of us lie in the middle, or swing between types depending on the person that we meet at any given time.
When we see a girl that we really like, that really fits our type, it is hard to not be naturally drawn to her. To want to look at her more. This can manifest in all sorts of ways, subtle staring, choosing to sit on one train carriage rather than another so that we can continue to check them out, not so subtle staring! The important thing is this, sometimes doing this can come across as creepy, and ultimately gets us nowhere. I have an alternative I would like to offer.
If you really have an instant mangnatism to someone, it is entirely possible that the reverese is true. You are a good looking guy with lots going for you. You may not believe it, but take my word for it, you are. Rather than stare from a corner, go up and talk to her. You may be asking yourself “what possible excuse can I use to go and talk to a hot girl on a train platform that I have just seen? I don’t know her, I know nothing about her, what do I say?”
The answer: Be direct.
Go up to her and be super direct. Rather than having to think of an “excuse” go right up with total honesty. Tell her you saw her and thought that she was super cute / hot / fit what ever you were thinking. Then be really normal and introduce yourself to her with your name and just talk. You will be amazed at the effect this can have.
Having a total stranger make the effort to come and talk to you just because you are good looking is one of the most flattering things that can happen to you. Imagine this happened to you as a man – you would love it right?
So next time you see a girl you like – just go and ne direct with her about it. Any ladies reading this, I advise you to do the same, you’ll be doing both yourself and the person you talk to a massive favour.
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