getting her back
Using plausible deniability to ask her back to yours
If a date is going well, both parties desire sex at the end of it. I want to be clear here, that is not to say that sex will definitely happen, only that it is what both people on the date actually want. So if you doubt that the person sitting opposite you wants to sleep with you, put all that doubt aside and know that it is the case. In many ways this is the only attitude that can serve you. If they don’t want to sleep with you then this is going nowhere anyway, if they do want to sleep with you then there is potential and it is possible that it is all good in the hood. If you act under...
How to get your Ex back, and why you should not do it
You were with a girl and you really liked her. I mean really liked her. She may not have been the most good looking girl that you have ever slept with, but there was something about her that you just loved. She laughed at your jokes because she genuinely thought that they were funny. She liked to do that unusual hobby that you are really into. She thought that the little geeky things that other people laugh at were cute, and she encouraged you in them.
Then one day she left you. The reasons that she gave don’t matter, whether it was because the sex wasn’t good enough, or because...