You were with a girl and you really liked her. I mean really liked her. She may not have been the most good looking girl that you have ever slept with, but there was something about her that you just loved. She laughed at your jokes because she genuinely thought that they were funny. She liked to do that unusual hobby that you are really into. She thought that the little geeky things that other people laugh at were cute, and she encouraged you in them.
Then one day she left you. The reasons that she gave don’t matter, whether it was because the sex wasn’t good enough, or because the sex was too good! The reasons that she gave you matter not a jot. She left, and now you want her back. Well I am here to tell you how to do it, and then after you have the means, I am going to tell you why you shouldn’t try and get her back.
How to get her back
- She made a decision that the “you” that she is currently dating is not someone that she wants to be dating. Forget the reasons why, that is all you have to know for now. She does not want to see you again in that way. So if you want her back, you need to completely change your game. You need to appear as if you are a new man, different, changed, grown in some way. Here are the quick ways to do that:
- Get a new car. This an expense I know, but actually buying a car or something big and visible like this is great costume to help facilitate that change. If you don’t have the money, go the other way and buy a campervan or a cheap clapped out thing and spray paint it pink... just make a change, that is the important thing. If you can get a motorbike that is ideal!
- Get a new job, ideally you would change careers and industries entirely. You spend more time doing your job than any other single activity that you might do. If you change jobs, that will really change a lot about you.
- Chnage your dress style and sense.
- Start a new hobby – preferably something manly like rock climbing etc.
Then get a new girlfriend – play the jealously game and she will come running. This is the only tries and tested guaranteed method that I know of that works across the board.
Why you shouldn’t do it:
If you are changing all these things just to get her back, then the change is not real and you are still the person that you were before. Whilst she will think you are a different person – you are not, so she will go back out with you for a time, but the self ultimately comes through and you are will end up single again. You have been down this road, you know where it ends my friend. Don’t do it.
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