sex before marriage
Having a fuck buddy when you are married
When people get married they promise all sorts of things, and they intend to keep all of them. They promise to love and hold each other, they promise to be there for each other in both the good and the bad times. They promise to be married and hold to these vows for the rest of their life… and at the time of making these promises that usually mean them. Things do change, however, and being flexible to life’s changes is an important thing to thrive and be happy. There is a stream of people that find themselves still wanting to be with their married partner, but also desire sex with other...
Sex Before Marriage?
When did sex before marriage become socially acceptable? Can anyone actually remember a time when it wasn’t acceptable? No? Well believe it or not there are still many western cultures who believe sex is a sacred bond between husband and wife.
Of course we all know that to be utter nonsense. There are so many different sexual relationships in the world it is ignorant and arrogant to assume that one method is better than another. Sex does mean different things to different people.
We’re not denigrating anyone who believes in only having sex after they get married. We...