When did sex before marriage become socially acceptable? Can anyone actually remember a time when it wasn’t acceptable? No? Well believe it or not there are still many western cultures who believe sex is a sacred bond between husband and wife.
Of course we all know that to be utter nonsense. There are so many different sexual relationships in the world it is ignorant and arrogant to assume that one method is better than another. Sex does mean different things to different people.
We’re not denigrating anyone who believes in only having sex after they get married. We respect people’s views just as much as anyone else. However practically speaking, sex before marriage is a great and highly justified way to find out what you do and don’t like in (and out) of the bedroom.
Why a fuck buddy can be a positive thing
The idea of having a fuck buddy is totally incomprehensible to some people. What’s worse is that many men and women who actually have sex regularly with a friend or someone they met but aren’t boyfriend or girlfriend to, actually don’t think of that person as a fuck buddy. Even though that’s exactly what it is.
Having good sex regularly has been psychologically proven to aid in people’s well being. Not having sex or having bad sex has been scientifically proven to be detrimental to a person’s mental well being. Having someone you like that you can sleep with is a positive aid to a psychologically well rounded life. Even if you’re not interested in pursuing a deeper relationship with the person you’re having sex with, you’re still having sex with someone you like enabling you to go about your day with a more balanced head on your shoulders. This is why having a fuck buddy helps.
The Marriage Thing
Marriage can be great. Bet you didn’t expect us to say that eh? Well, it’s true. A fulfilling marriage both emotionally and physically can be very much like an addictive drug. Having sex with more people before you get married (practised safely) may end up in your long term relationship being stronger than those who have not had sex before getting married.
Knowing your partner inside and out before you agree to tie the knot, logically is the best thing for a human being to pursue. Having a fuck buddy, or a friend with benefits….whatever you want to call them, can and has aided people in establishing longer lasting relationships in the future. Why is this?
1. You’re more comfortable with yourself, who you are and what you want so you have fewer hang ups – very attractive to a potential partner
2. Sexually you have no concerns at all – you already know what you like and don’t like which will lead you to making the best choice for you when looking for a person you want to pursue a longer relationship with
3. You’re just totally chilled out – Because you’ve been having regular sex it is extremely likely that you are totally calm…almost zen like in your attitude to life and love.
Can no sex before marriage ever work?
You only need to take a look at the worldwide historical and present day statistics on what an unhappy marriage actually is and funnily enough the majority of the complaints that come in all focus around a dissatisfying sexual life.
Again, we’re not saying that not having sex before you get married can’t work. What we are saying is that psychologically, scientifically and statistically speaking, the more sex you have before marriage, the better off a marriage will be.
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