Sexual fetishes are a fascinating subject to most of us. We are not only interested in what we want in the bedroom (or outside the bedroom, or in a lift, or in public depending on your fetish!). We are also fascinated by what other people are into. We love hearing about other people’s sex lives, and we see this in all aspects of our society. We see it on television, with story lines focused and revolving around peoples sex lives, relationships. We see this in the office, where the most gossiped thing is the latest movement of whom is having sex with whom. We also spend a lot of time and energy focused on it. The dating and casual dating industry is huge, with vast amounts of money being poured into the process of helping people to find partners, hook ups, fuck buddies and other one night stands. We also sell most of our products through sex, whether that is clothing, ice cream or shoes… all of them are being sold on the basis that if you buy this you are going to have more sex. We are sex obsessed, of that there is no doubt!
What is a Fetish
A fetish is something without which a person cannot be sexually satisfied. It is more than something they simply like, or a sexual preference, it is something that they need to have. So for example, if someone had a “high heel shoe” fetish, without the presence of high heel shoes, that person would not be able to get turned on and be sexually satisfied.
The more day to day use of fetish
Now that the word is being used more day to day, it is no longer as extreme. A fetish has ceased to be something that someone needs, and has become more something that we simply want to have. Most people who say that they have a foot fetish do not really have a 100% fetish, they just really like feet and get turned on by them. This level of fetish is what most people are referring to when they say that they have a “fetsish”.
Embrace your fetishes
Many people ignore or surpress their fetishes. I think that you should embrace them! If there is something that is going to turn you on, to make your orgasm deeper and longer, that makes you hot and horney, you should gran that with both hands. No one can really make you come if you do not know how to come yourself, so you have to be turned on already. Help yourself and your partner out. If you have a fetish, share it with them and embrace it!
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