When it comes to having sex, we all have people that we would love to have sex with that we are never going to sleep with. This is usually because of circumstance, location, or station. The people that we would love to sleep with are usually people that we would never meet in real life. Some of us want to have sex with singers or band members. To some, heaven would be making a fuck buddy of their favourite artists. There are those that want to sleep with royality, and given the opportunity they would have sex with an aristocrat at the drop of the hat, that sometimes even includes doing so even if the person is far older than they would like, just so that they could have done it! Personally I would not want to have a friends with benefits relationship with the Queen of England, but there are those that would! The reverse is also true. Some of the super-rich who live sheltered lives in gated mansions would like nothing more than to slum it! Getting down and dirty with someone from the streets would be the hook up of their dreams. People are strange, interesting, and they all want different things. The one thing that a lot of people share in common is the desire to sleep with a film star.
So why do we want to fuck a film star? Well actually it is more about who we want to be than who they are, but bear with me whilst I explain it. The film star will usually be someone from a favourite film or much loved epic. You will have seen them playing that role time and time again as the very top of your fuck buddy “to do” list will be the most desired, the most sexualised in your mind. You will know their character back to front and it will be a character that you love. So why do you want to fuck them?
You want to fuck them because of who YOU must be if you end up sleeping with them. If you sleep with a bond girl, that makes you James Bond. If you have sex with Cinderella, that makes you prince charming. If you sleep with Jessica Rabbit that means you get to be Roger Rabbit… okay maybe not that last one, but you get the idea. The whole sexual fantasy is based around who you can pretend to be when you are fucking your much sought after fantasy conquest.
So next time you are imagining that Summer Glau is your fuck buddy, take a moment to think about who that makes you.
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