anal sex for beginners
Re entering the sexual market place: how to get back in the game if you have been out for a while
When you in the throes of dating people, when you have hit your stride, the whole thing seems easy! You are focused on having fun and enjoying the ride and so you do enjoy the ride. It is sometimes hard to remember what it was like when you were first re-entering the sexual marketplace, and how nervous and unsure you were at times. If you are reading this and you are in that place of just trying to get back on the horse and get back to dating, take heart. Soon you will be that person who wonders why people think it is difficult, because for you, it will have become simple fun!
It is always awkward the first time: Feel the fear and do it anyway
Recently I had a friend of mine, (well actually an F-buddy f mine) talk about one her friends that doesn’t want to tell his f-buddy that he likes her. What he said was that it feels uncomfortable to say it, so even though he feels it he doesn’t want to say it. This got me thinking – everything is uncomfortable the first time, you just have to push through and do it anyway! Let me expand on this.
Back when you were a wee little person and completely new to girls/boys, if you liked someone even talking to them felt uncomfortable. Eventually you got over it, but the way you got over it...
Anal Sex for beginners
Many of our members list anal sex as one of their favourite acts to engage in. It’s not for us to say whether every member who lists it as a favourite has actually tried it.
We’re not here to judge. We’re here to help.
If you’ve never had anal sex before but have been dying to try it, but don’t know where to begin, then we have a few tips and suggestions that will help get both you and your fuck buddy in the mood to try it.
And hey, even if you are a seasoned pro at anal sex, don’t just click away; there might be a few things you didn’t know.