porn in casual sex
Why reading, not watching, erotica with your fuck buddy is better.
Most people who have a fuck buddy are also enlightened enough to be able to enjoy porn without the associated feelings of guilt or irrational negativity that can sometimes be associated with it. We live in a more modern and open time where we recognise that sex is a healthy and normal thing, something that makes us all that little bit happier. Finding a fuck buddy means making both you and them benefit from the no strings attached relationship that you have just set up. It really is a win-win on both sides. Watching porn is something that, in today's world, is now much more acceptable....
Using private porn for foreplay
The quality of your sex can, for the most part, be directly measured against the quality of the foreplay. FACT. Most people fail to understand how direct a connection there is between the foreplay and the actual sex itself. Pleasure, orgasm, even the function of the sexual organs themselves are all controlled by the brain. To have the greatest sex of your life requires a certain state of mind, and that is where foreplay comes in. “Fore” means to come in front of, it is the “play” that happens infront of, or before, the sex itself. For most people then when they think foreplay they are...
Why use porn when you can have the real thing?
Why? WHY!??! I thought I would start this article with what would have been the end of the article. I am here to talk about porn, and the fact that we use it instead of the real thing. I want to start by telling you my conclusion. There is nothing wrong with porn, and actually I would encourage people to look at it and use it – both men and women that is. What I would say is that the balance is to ensure that whilst you are using porn, be aware to not allow porn use to replace your desire for the real thing – more importantly don’t allow porn use to reduce the amount that you do the real...
Porn – why not make your own?
You have watched porn. I can say this with some certainty not because I have magical powers and have written this just for you – but because you are a human! If you are alive and have access to the internet, you are highly likely to have watched porn.
You probably look at porn still now – and I would guess that you looked at something pornographic on the internet as close as this week. Again this is based on the high likelihood that this is true because you are human.
I want to say right now – I do not think that there is anything intrinsically bad...
The role of Porn in casual sex
Men are often accused of being addicted to porn but several studies published worldwide have shown women to be as equally in love with porn. We love porn mostly because it can be an aphrodisiac to casual sex. Like anything used excessively of course we recognise that it can be harmful but like the old saying goes “everything in moderation”.
Why is porn great?
At its best porn is a gushing celebration of the human body in all its different shapes and styles. At its worst porn can be an addictive obsession that infiltrates your life in a very bad way. The...