sex tips
Top 5 sex tips for 2018
There is no bad time to have sex, and since you can only live in the present, the best time to have sex is now! There is also never any harm in getting better at sex, it serves both you and them in the bedroom (or bathroom, kitchen, living room, garden, office… or where ever it is you most like to do it!). Whether you have a fuck buddy already to pay with, or you are looking for a fuck buddy are interested in tips that you can use when you next hook up with someone, here are some top tips for better sex!
More is more
70% of women need more clitoral stimulation to better...
Having a kid makes every girl want to fuck you
Why is it that having a kid suddenly makes every girl out there want to fuck you? The one time in your life that suddenly having a fuck buddy or an easy no strings attached hook up suddenly becomes difficult to manage, is the time that you have all the options to do it. I have never understood this, but it is true. Let us look at some examples.
Think about your married with a kid(s) friend
When my friend who has a daughter walks down the street with his baby, suddenly every hot girl out there wants to talk to him. He goes on holiday, and as long as his daughter is with him...
Wear socks in bed for better sex!
The title sums it, yes that is right, a study has shown that you are 80% more likely to climax in bed if you are wearing socks! Sounds strange to you? Well it did to me until I delved a little more deeply into the reasons why, and it all comes down to comfort. The reason that the socks made the difference were warmth and comfort. Allow me to expand on this.
If you are cold you are less likely to climax
As a man have you ever noticed that when it is really cold that your penis shrivels up in on itself and gets as small as it can, almost as if it is trying to curl up to keep...
Sleep and Sex – yes the connection is real!
There are so many factors that can affect your sex life, and most of these are hard wired into us, so we have little or no “choice” about those factors affecting us. If we are unwell or ill, our libido just disappears. At times of great stress in your life, your desire to have sex usually disappears. That comes from an old preservation thing. When sex was directly linked to procreation and having kids only, in times of stress such as famine, fire, drought, your instincts to have sex drop through the floor as you really don’t want to be having kids when you are trying to deal with your own...
Take breaks for multiple rounds of sex
All of us are subject to the way that films portray sex, we never made the conscious choice to watch them and then base our yardstick for sex on what we saw, it just got handed to us. The issue with this is that sex in the movies is totally unrealistic. It is all super smooth, with soft lens camera work and gentle music. The transition from the bar to the bedroom is instantaneous, and then sex is always amazing even though it is the first time that the people have slept together. For a lot of people the very first time you sleep with someone is rarely that good, nerves and insecurity can...
Wearing great underwear ALL the time gets you laid more
It has always been well known that dressing a certain way is more likely to get you laid. It can make a quite sizable difference to the attention that you get from members of the opposite sex (or even same sex if that is your preference!). A super hot girl in an old baggy jumper 3 sizes too big and a pair of worn dirty jogging bottoms if not going to be as attractive as a mediocre girl wearing heals and a boob tube. How we choose to display our assets is as important as what we start with. It’s as much about how you choose to use what you have as what you actually have in the first place....
Soundtrack your sex
Having great sex is about more than just the actual act of having sex. Let us say for a moment that it is a given that you are going to get laid and do the actual act of having “the sex”. If you are a man you are going to put your penis inside someone else, and if you are a woman you are going to have something put inside you (most likely a penis – but we don’t like to judge here at f-buddy. As long as your aim is to have great sex and show the other person a good time you are welcome here!). So the physical side of this is guaranteed... so if it is on the cards and all sorted, why bother...
Using foreign languages as the vehicle for love!
They say that Latin is the language of love. It certainly is one of the oldest languages around, so old in fact that no one uses it as a spoken dialect any more. It forms the core foundation of many of the modern western spoken languages, and you can usually trace the roots of most English words back to Latin. But is it really the language of love? Is Latin going to help get you laid, or get you a blow job, or facilitate having sex with people?
The phrase is correct, Latin is the language of love... but that resides in that it is foreign. That no one speaks it day...
Always check in with your sex partner
We all want to be having amazing sex, let’s start out right by agreeing this. We are all on the same page, and when 2 people come together to have sex (or sometimes more than two people!) they both have the same *shared* outcome – a desire to come hard, a desire for amazing sex. So given that they both want the same thing, they are both in the right place to be helping both themselves and the other person achieve what they want. This means that if asked for help, they *will* help. That is an important place to start this article, because we are going to be asking you to talk to your sexual...
Forget her - focus on yourself if there is a sex reduction
This is one for the guys. Let’s take it as read for a moment that you have a good fuck buddy that you like and are really enjoying spending time with – whether that is purely night time or a mix of day and night activities. Things are all good, mostly. There are always problems that crop up, and they sometimes come from her. When this happens the instinct is to try and fix the problem. As it feels like the problem has come from her, your instinct is to look to try and solve her issues for her, to fix the thing that is bothering her. In some cases you may even take the approach of trying to...