keeping your fuck buddy
Fun games to improve your fuck buddy sex life
Having a fuck buddy is one of the greatest things that you can have, especially in the time of reduced movement due to covid-19. The coronavirus has made it harder to get around, to meet people, to hook up or form other adult relationships. So if you have a fuck buddy right now, you are probably looking to hang on to them and keep them. Why give up a good thing when there is no alternative waiting in store, right? So what can you do to improve your sex life and help prevent it getting stale? Play some sex games with your fuck buddy.
Paid for sex games
There are a lot...
Things not to do with a fuck buddy if you want to keep them
What is a fuck buddy? A fuck buddy is someone that you have and enjoy sex with, but there is no emotional or relationship attachment outside of the sex. It is someone you are focused on having sex with. You have a clear agreement that it is, what is known as, a no-strings attached relationship. If it is a friend, then they are also often known as friends with benefits. This can be a life-changing thing for both of you, bringing a lot of fun, happiness and well-being to all involved. There are ways to fuck it up however. With that in mind, here are my top tips for things not to do with a...
Routines without variation kills us
After a certain amount of living, you will hit a routine, and there is nothing wrong with this, however sexual routine can really kill your sex life, and I would like to talk about what causes this lack of sexual excitement and how to avoid it if it hasn’t happened, and how to fix it if it has.
Routines without variation kills us
We all hit routines in our lives, and there is nothing wrong with routines in a basic sense. Routines are good, they allow us to do things efficiently without having to think about them too much, and the more we do a routine the slicker and...
Surprising sex is exciting
We all want a little excitement in our lives, and we all want things to change and be different, new and interesting all the time. It is part of a basic human need, and this is not different when it comes to having sex. We want to get laid, but when we fuck we want to be in the moment, for it to feel like this is unique in some way. If when we fuck it feels the same as the last time we fucked (and the time before that) this will get pretty unstimulating pretty quickly. No one wants to be having routine sex, take the bins out on the Wednesday, have sex on the Thursday. So how can we combat...
Always have stuff going on in your life
Sex is amazing. Even bad sex can be good! Good sex is great, and great sex can blow your mind! I mean literally. Science has graphed out the chemical reactions that take place in the brain at the point of orgasm, and the results are quite literally mind blowing.
Sex is so great that the pursuit of it can become all consuming, and the point of getting it, the times in your life where you have it on tap, understandably it can over turn your life. You can easily find yourself spending your time having sex, and doing very little else! Why would you go out on lavish dates when you can...
Fuck like it’s your first time
The message here is in title of the article – and if you want to stop reading here then as long as you go and take the advice you will have a better time the next time you are in the sack. For those of you who want a little more ground work and explanation – allow me to expand on this a little.
The message is simple. Next time you have sex, I want you to hark back to the first time and do it like that. I would like to clarify that I am not talking about screwing a girl like you are a virgin, far from it infact! The first time you ever had sex with someone you were nervous and...