find a fuck buddy
Hooking up on Halloween
Halloween is a long-standing celebration that dates back nearly two thousand years. According to its Celtic roots, it takes place on New Year’s Day. On this day the barriers that separate those living on the Earth and the dead become thin and easier to cross, and so it is on this day that ghosts, spirits, demons and fairies are said to walk the Earth. Dressing up as a demon was a way of disguising yourself as one of the undead, and thus avoid their wrath! If they do not recognise you, they won’t hurt you. It made a lot of sense if you accept the belief system behind it. They also offered...
Better to find a new fuck buddy than chase the old one
I am about to talk about something that we have all been through. If you haven’t been through it yet, you will. This is a sensitive topic so I want to make clear from the outset that everyone has different needs, and there will be a very small number of people that do not need to take this advice… but those people are the 1%. For the rest of the 99%, this is for you.
At some point, we have all been “dumped” but a fuck buddy (or will get dumped in the future). By this, I mean that your fuck buddy decides that they would rather have sex with someone else and they end the tryst with...
The Fuck Buddy Apocalypse is here!
The last year has seen a dearth of sexual opportunity across Ireland. The coronavirus pandemic has seen the closing of bars and pubs, the restriction of movement and meetings, and the lack of new people coming into the area or country. All of this has meant that the last year has been a harder time than ever to hook and meet a fuck buddy. It has still been possible, it is always possible to meet someone for sex, it is too much a part of out basic human needs to ever be something that is removed from our reach, but it has been harder. Now those times have ended or at least are ending, and...
When choosing a fuck buddy – aim high!
Outside of the adult dating forum in the more vanilla walk of life, there are so many pressures that mean people “settle”. They want kids, they want security, they are too scared to push harder for what they really want. They are happy with some aspects of the relationship so they settle on the rest. There are parts of the relationship that they would like to change or improve, but they are too scared of risking the whole thing to address it, so that element never gets addressed or fixed. I am here to give you one clear message in this article. When you are choosing a fuck buddy, aim high...
Life is too short to not have a fuck buddy
As a race, we are a strange set of creatures. On one hand, we are incredibly smart. We invented machines and processes to do much of our work for us. We created methods of mass farming that means that we have enough food to feed everyone in the world and that starvation should be a thing of the past. We worked out how to put a man on the moon, how to take a man to the deepest depths of the oceans, and we used all the information to both take resources like oil and gas from the earth and to put satellites into the sky so we can communicate over long distances. We are eradicating diseases...
Selection is the key to a good fuck buddy
If you are looking for any kind of sexual relationship, I have come to realise that the real key to having the best sex of your life, is selection. The main factor that will alter or change your sex life for the better or worse, when all factors are taken into account, is whom are you sleeping with. Did you select the right person in the first place? This is also the key factor I believe in whether or not you ended up with a good relationship, a good life partner, a good husband or wife. It is the fundamental to if you had a good business partner or housemate too! Almost any relationship...
Never try to sleep with your Ex – here is why
We all have people that we used to sleep with, a girl usually that we had sex with that left a mark that feels like it will never leave us. When that person leaves us, we want them back. We always want them back – if they have left us then it is always the case that we want to have sex with them again, that given a choice we will snatch them back into our arms in an instant. The length of time that this lasts for can of course vary, for the lucky few it lasts but a moment and then the moment has passed and they move on, for most of us the length or “morning period” is usually directly...
Ask for sex – the best way to guaranteed getting laid
In the game of courtship, there are all sorts of “rules” about what you should and shouldn’t do when you in the process of it. Things that you are allowed to say, things you are never to discuss. Here are a few prime examples of the kind of thing that we are told that we should or shouldn’t do during the “chatting up” process. You will find that you recognise a lot of these:
- Don’t discuss religion
- Don’t talk about former partners and ex girlfriends
- Don’t tell her that she is a little on the overweight side or that her nose is a little large