It’s manna from heaven; getting to have sex the first time you meet up with a woman. Of course it doesn’t always happen, but it does happen more than you think, and we’re going to tell you how you can increase your chances of it happening to you.
“I don’t usually do this…”
This one line is often spouted by hundreds of women who claim that they never sleep with a guy on a first date. They might even go out with that intention as well, but as we all know good intentions…
Sex for women is one power they hold absolutely over men. They go out on every date in the full knowledge that they and they alone will decide whether or not they want to sleep with a guy. The interesting thing is that this awareness can be reversed to work the man’s way too. As men we are socially conditioned to be the aggressor and woo a woman. But what if we toned that down and reversed our own mindset? What if we went out in the knowledge that we and we alone will decide whether or not we sleep with our date? What if our mindset was totally conditioned in thinking the same way a woman does when out on a first date? What if we were the ones saying the morning after “I don’t usually do this…” to a woman?
Well it’s this mental attitude that will help every man get sex on a first date. It may not happen the first time you try it, but if you keep practising you’ll find the results will come in your way.
To go with this attitude change there are several other things that will help you as well. Follow these little guidance notes and use them in conjunction with trying out your new mindset.
1. Appearance
Don’t turn up looking like you’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards. Everyone should take pride in their appearance as both men and women judge each other at least initially by how we look.
2. Physical Health
You don’t have to be Mr Muscles or Captain America to bed a hot woman on a first date, but if you dress well and keep yourself trim then it can go a long way to getting inside a woman’s knickers
3. Charm
This comes together with confidence. If you can be charming, funny and witty, then a woman will respond well and be more likely to accompany you to bed rather than just go home.
4. Confidence
I’ve seen the ugliest fattest blokes bed the most gorgeous attractive women and it had nothing to do with how they looked. Confidence is the most underrated attribute when it comes to bedding a woman. If you can go in with your head high and just be the best version of yourself with a ‘I don’t give a fuck what people think of me’ attitude, then you will be well on your way to scoring on a first date.
Happy fucking!
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