sex on the first date
Having sex for the first time with a fuck buddy
Everyone has a first time. It is not about how much sex you have after that, it makes no difference if you become the Casanova of your town, the Romeo to every girl around… that first time you have sex will always be remembered and always be a certain type of sex that you will never have again. Some people have the attitude that they want to have sex for the first time in a relationship that is really special, where there is a high chance of the relationship lasting. There is nothing wrong with this, the way that your lose your virginity is an entirely personal choice and I would encourage...
For sex: RomComs are terrible and Horror films are amazing!
So you meet a girl, she is a real honey and you want to drag this girl back to your cave as soon as humanly possible. You hope to turn her into one of your fuck buddies, maybe an occasional hook up booty, but you would happily accepts a one night stand if that was what was on offer. She wants it too, and is keen to meet up. She then drops the bomb… “lets go watch a film”. Now your instinct would be to go watch something romantic like a romcom. Your instinct is wrong, and you must ignore it. Here is why.
Romcoms set the bar at impossible levels
You think that RomComs...
Using plausible deniability to ask her back to yours
If a date is going well, both parties desire sex at the end of it. I want to be clear here, that is not to say that sex will definitely happen, only that it is what both people on the date actually want. So if you doubt that the person sitting opposite you wants to sleep with you, put all that doubt aside and know that it is the case. In many ways this is the only attitude that can serve you. If they don’t want to sleep with you then this is going nowhere anyway, if they do want to sleep with you then there is potential and it is possible that it is all good in the hood. If you act under...
Why the 3rd date sex is Prime time... and how to accelerate that to 1 date
Everyone knows that the third date is when you get it on. It has been a long enough time that you have had a chance to get to know each other a little, but not so long that there is going to be massive pressure on the sex, nor are you pot committed to the relationship so if you turn out to be sexually incompatible there is no bad feeling for never seeing each other again after that date is over. The third date is the perfect time for many people. It is socially acceptable so there is no chance of anyone feeling like a “slut” or getting any social backlash from anyone else around them as to...
How to have sex on the first date
It’s manna from heaven; getting to have sex the first time you meet up with a woman. Of course it doesn’t always happen, but it does happen more than you think, and we’re going to tell you how you can increase your chances of it happening to you.
“I don’t usually do this…”
This one line is often spouted by hundreds of women who claim that they never sleep with a guy on a first date. They might even go out with that intention as well, but as we all know good intentions…
Sex for women is one power they hold absolutely over men. They go out on every...