sex fantasies
My best sex dream
The “wet dream” is a long standing male tradition. Men having been having wet dreams for generations. It is not something that is discussed much, but they happen and they are usually completely outside of the control of the guy. You never know when you are going to have one. Whether you have been single for a long time, or if you have 2 fuck buddies in bed with you at that exact moment, it seems to make no difference to your ability to have a wet dream. The actual dreams themselves can be really fun. They can guest star fictional characters from tv and film that don’t exist, things can be...
What would a world without sex look like?
Sex is one of the most powerful driving forces in human existence. We all want it, need it, and we all pursue it to some degree. When we are younger, for a time it can take up all of our attention, focus and energy till we are thinking about little else apart from a way to manufacture an encounter with that someone that we have taken a liking to. Half the time at that age we don’t even know what we want to do with the opposite sex, we just know that we want to, well, stuff. Sex is also free. When you find a fuck buddy, they also “find” you, it is always a win-win situation. Sex is one of...
Sexual Fetishes
Sexual fetishes are a fascinating subject to most of us. We are not only interested in what we want in the bedroom (or outside the bedroom, or in a lift, or in public depending on your fetish!). We are also fascinated by what other people are into. We love hearing about other people’s sex lives, and we see this in all aspects of our society. We see it on television, with story lines focused and revolving around peoples sex lives, relationships. We see this in the office, where the most gossiped thing is the latest movement of whom is having sex with whom. We also spend a lot of time and...
Sex fantasy verses reality
There have always been a huge surge of sex role play games, sex fantasies and icons and certain roles that we find sexy. There are some classics which you will find all too familiar. The sexy fireman or policeman fantasy is something that most women are really into – something about a man who as his job “protects and serves” turns girls week at the knees, I wonder why. For men it tends to be a lot more based on looks rather than agency! The sexy stripper, the sexy nurse, the sexy school girl fantasy... it is all about women who are hot and slightly subservient to their desires and needs....
Why Hermione is hot
If you are looking at Harry Potter, whilst you may have read the books, from a sex point of view you are talking about the films here, and specifically to Hermione you are talking about the actress playing her, Emma Watson. When you think about what she looks about you see Emma Watson’s face and image... but this article is not talking about why Emma Watson is hot, it is talking about why Hermione Granger the character portrayed by Emma Watson is hot. This is a subtle but important difference, as you will find out as this article goes on.
Hermione is hot. The actress Emma Watson...
Sex in the library
There are many people that have a fantasy about having sex in places other than the bedroom. My instinct was to say sex in “unusual” places, but in reality I do not think that having sex outside the bedroom is actually that unusual a thing! I think that most people have done it elsewhere at least a few times, and I certainly feel that the more memorable sex sessions that people have had in their lives often include at least one encounter simply because it was somewhere that was a little unusual. So what is the appeal in sex elsewhere?
The Taboo
One of the key...
Top 5 Sexual Fantasies That Could Get you Arrested
Thanks to the internet, the proliferation of porn has just grown and grown. With it comes the ability for people to actually video their favourite sexual fantasies and simply upload them onto the internet. Millions of sites now exist where users can simply open an account and upload their videos for the enjoyment of others. With these uploads come a lot of the sexual fantasies that people have always dreamt of doing, but now actually have the opportunity to share with a large community. You need to be careful though, as there are some sexual fantasies that if you’re caught engaging in...
Top 5 Most Popular Sex Fantasies
We’ve all got sex on the brain and we all fantasise about it in different ways. Women want men to be all kind and caring in public, but go caveman in the bedroom. Men want women to be demure and proper in public, but rabid sex kittens in the bedroom. None of us ever seem to get enough of what we want, so we fantasise about it all the time. Our imaginations are absolutely abuzz with the different ways we could have sex and the different people we could have sex with. Being a single person on a site like this means you have more opportunity to engage in your favoured fantasy than ever...
Time to Spring Clean Your Sex Life
Spring is a great time of year! The trees are blossoming, the sky is (gradually) turning a nicer shade of blue, the rain is less (sort of) and the grass is even greener. People often view spring as the perfect time to begin renewing those long forgotten New Year’s resolutions, especially the ones where you promised to do more about improving your sex life. Follow our tips on the best ways to spring clean your sex life this April and you’ll be having fun with an f-buddy in no time at all!
1. Dress for Success (or should that be sexcess?)
Nothing says ‘take...