Sex is one of the most powerful driving forces in human existence. We all want it, need it, and we all pursue it to some degree. When we are younger, for a time it can take up all of our attention, focus and energy till we are thinking about little else apart from a way to manufacture an encounter with that someone that we have taken a liking to. Half the time at that age we don’t even know what we want to do with the opposite sex, we just know that we want to, well, stuff. Sex is also free. When you find a fuck buddy, they also “find” you, it is always a win-win situation. Sex is one of the greatest pleasures that one can have, yet ironic that at a base level, it also remains as one of the few things that requires no money at all, just a friend with benefits or someone to hook up with. So what would the world look like if there was no sex. I am not talking about no one having sex, I am saying a world where sex was taken of the table completely. No one wanted to have it, it did not even exist. Let us explore this idea, by looking at the things the sex drive effects, and what would be different.
Everyone would do better at school
The distraction that the attraction to the opposite affect causes at school is palpable. If no one had a sex drive, there would be no distraction, and everyone would do better at school. We would see an overall increase in the intelegence levels of society as a whole, and thus technology and culture would advance more quickly, leading us to a future way of living faster.
People would be less drive to make money
So much of earning money is tied into getting sex, especially as a man. You get the money which buys the car, watch, fancy resterants and you get laid more. Fact. If there was no sex, I think that people would work less hard.
People would be more content
As we work less, we would grow more content with our lives. Relationships, even no strings attached relationships, bring much turmoil and upheaval with them. By stripping this out, we would all be more content.
We would have less “highs”
The flip side of this is that great happiness would happen less. We would have lost the big rush and highs that we get from not just the sex, but the chase and in fact the whole process.
We would be extinct
We would all die out. With no sex, there would be no kids, and that would end the human race. This website would also close, as there would be no need for fuck buddies to exist. Sorry!
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