sex fantasy
How to fuck your yoga girl fantasy
Yoga. The things it has done for the cause of helping sexy women get sexier is quite astonishing! It has taken okay women and propelled them into the realms of great looking. It has taken great looking girls and turned them into every man’s sexual fantasy. The occasional 10/10 model that has gotten involved has ascended to the level of sexual goddess. We have all seen pictures of hot girls doing yoga, and we’ve all see the music video of “call on me” by Eric Prydz which I swear was propelled to the top of the charts not particularly because the music is groundbreaking, but that the girls...
Top 5 Weirdest things people ask for during sex
Everyone has a kink. Whether they want to admit it or not, kinks are part of who we are. We might not even know that we have a kink until someone does something that exposes us to it. But some kinks are so odd, that many partners sometimes wonder “What the fuck?!” in their heads, even if they just nod and smile to their buddy. Kinks are perfectly normal so don’t get too worried if you think you shouldn’t explore yours. However, there are some things that people ask for during sex that are just plain weird.
1. Suck my toes whilst fucking me
Some people have a foot...
What’s it like to be a porn star?
Loads of our members enjoy porn. Hell, the reason the industry is so big is because of the sheer volume of people who view porn. Often seen as a seedy industry, proper pornography can be just as complex to film and edit as a Hollywood blockbuster. Male actors have to stay hard in extraordinary situations, female actors sometimes have to deep throat a dick for hours on end and the camera crew can get exhausted trying to get as many angles as possible on film. Porn to us is a useful fantasy aid to have when masturbating or when with a fuck buddy. But what’s it actually like to be a porn...