Everyone has a kink. Whether they want to admit it or not, kinks are part of who we are. We might not even know that we have a kink until someone does something that exposes us to it. But some kinks are so odd, that many partners sometimes wonder “What the fuck?!” in their heads, even if they just nod and smile to their buddy. Kinks are perfectly normal so don’t get too worried if you think you shouldn’t explore yours. However, there are some things that people ask for during sex that are just plain weird.
1. Suck my toes whilst fucking me
Some people have a foot fetish. Having their feet tickled, licked and played with turns them on. However doing all of this whilst having sex can be quite hard and distracting.
2. Watching cartoons during sex
Not porn cartoons – which are becoming increasingly popular – normal everyday cartoons. The sort that kids watch on a Saturday morning. That’s. Just. Weird.
3. Him pretending to be Bambi during sex
Okay, I kind of get the whole dressing up as a cartoon character thing, but a guy pretending to be Bambi and actually dressing up like the Disney cartoon? Yeah…that’s just a bit too weird for my tastes!
4. Rape fantasies
I don’t care how much anyone says people have this fantasy – it’s fucked up and plain wrong! Anyone who actually fantasises about getting raped needs to go and see a counsellor and get professional help. It’s not healthy.
5. Being fucked by vegetables
People will put anything in any orifice. It’s like a hang up from being a baby or something where kids would put anything in their mouth. It gets weird though when women want to shove radishes and marrows up their pussy whilst men enjoy having a carrot shoved up their butt. Not cool. Just weird.
6. Donkey Punch
Not only is this really dangerous, it’s a bit weird. Punching someone in the back of the head whilst fucking them from behind in order to get off, says something about your personality. It’s not something I want to know about.
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