sex positions
The best way to have standing sex with your fuck buddy
One of the best things about having a fuck buddy is that you can really explore different ways of having sex. When you are in a more traditional relationship, the focus of the relationship (or the purported focus) is not the sex. I think that many of us can acknowledge however that one of the foundational elements of any coupling is the physical aspects, especially if you are in a monogamous partnership. If you are sleeping with more than one person you have an opportunity to mix things up and the sex can be less important (as you are also getting it from elsewhere), however, when it is...
Try a different sex position for instant fun
As humans we are creatures of habit. That is not something that we choose – it is hard wired into us. We learn that we can do “a” and “b” to get to “c”, and when we want to get to “c” again another time we just do the same sequence. It is a natural resource saving instinct, why spend energy trying to do something that we are unsure is going to work, when we can just repeat what we did last time to reach the same result? Think about it in cave man days, if we know that this particular fruit is tasty and delicious and leaves us feeling full and satisfied, why would we try to eat the fruit...
What different sexual positions mean: Missionary VS Doggy Style
Once you have found your f-buddy, generally after a meeting you will find yourself moving to the bedroom unusually quickly - quite often on the first date. Some of you may be used to this by now, but for some of the newer members of this website you may be less comfortable with going straight back and having sex the first time you meet someone.
One of the ways to make this more comfortable is having clear choices made about what you are going to do and how you are going to do it. In this article we are going to be looking at the different sexual positions and what they mean, in...
Top 5 Sex Positions Every Guy Loves
Despite endless writing about the hundreds of different sex positions people use, there are several that most couples continually go back to because they work. Everything else is just a variation and everyone should worry less about whether or not they’re being ‘imaginative’ enough when it comes to sex. You can always try new things, but there are classics that are classics for a reason: they work. Below are the top sex positions that every man loves (whether he knows it or not).
1. Woman on Top
Not only does this give a guy the best view of his partner, it...