As humans we are creatures of habit. That is not something that we choose – it is hard wired into us. We learn that we can do “a” and “b” to get to “c”, and when we want to get to “c” again another time we just do the same sequence. It is a natural resource saving instinct, why spend energy trying to do something that we are unsure is going to work, when we can just repeat what we did last time to reach the same result? Think about it in cave man days, if we know that this particular fruit is tasty and delicious and leaves us feeling full and satisfied, why would we try to eat the fruit that may taste bad, or leave us feeling ill, or even poison and kill us? It makes no sense. So it is that we are creatures of habit, and on some level once we have a process in place rather than try new things we will just fall back on that old way of doing things. We do this unthinkingly, without questioning it. We just do it. Which is why I am writing this article, to try and encourage you to mix it up with your sex life.
You have a favourite go to sex position. This is not a question, this is a fact, and you know that I am speaking the truth here! Think about it, what is your favourite sex position? What is your go to sex position? For some people they are different, their favourite position is not always a go to position, particularly if it is a little difficult, complicated, or requires the girl to do a lot of hard work. The first time you sleep with a girl, you probably reach for your go to sex position rather than your favourite, especially if your favourite involves your fuck buddy to be upside down at the time!
There is no harm in this – we all do it. However, if you want to mix things up to keep things exciting and fun in the bedroom, then try a different sex position. It will be gladly welcomed by your partner – trust me! Even if it turns out it is not your favourite position after you try it, it doesn’t matter. When you go to a restaurant or eat out, you don’t want to have the same thing every time you eat out.
If you are a little nervous about change, then remember, you don’t have to even change the whole position, you can just change small things about the way that you are doing things now and it can make things better! For example, if you are using missionary position a lot, get the girl to put her legs together and then as the man put your thighs around hers, and squeeze. This will tighten her vagina, giving you a much tighter fuck, and for her your penis will feel much bigger. This is a simple way to high friction fun!
So mix it up, you won’t regret it.
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