sexy fun time
Take sex to another level by cutting sound
Whether you have a fuck buddy right now or are on the lookout for one, being better at sex is always going to be handy thing! Sex is one of the greatest things in life. It is good for the body, burns calories resulting in weight loss, releases happy hormones into the brain which in turn make your entire bodily functions more efficient. Sex is great and I sometimes wonder if there would be less wars and conflict in the world if everyone was having more sex.
There are many ways that you can experiment in the bedroom to improve your sex life. Whether you are having sex with someone...
The no hands game!
Sex is amazing! There is nothing like it. Nature has ensured that it is the greatest pleasure for one important reason, as long as we are all having lots of sex, then the human race will continue to survive and thrive. Yes there is of course the issue of contraception. Clear buggers that we are, humans have found a way of having all the pleasure of sex without the procreation… but we are not so clever that mistakes don’t happen, and so the human race continues to multiply! Aren’t we smart?
So there are lots of ways to spice up your sex sessions. The main thing being good sex is in...