Sex is amazing! There is nothing like it. Nature has ensured that it is the greatest pleasure for one important reason, as long as we are all having lots of sex, then the human race will continue to survive and thrive. Yes there is of course the issue of contraception. Clear buggers that we are, humans have found a way of having all the pleasure of sex without the procreation… but we are not so clever that mistakes don’t happen, and so the human race continues to multiply! Aren’t we smart?
So there are lots of ways to spice up your sex sessions. The main thing being good sex is in the selection. Finding a like-minded fuck buddy, or a hook up that wants the same kinds of things as you is key to having a really good relationship. There is no point finding someone that doesn’t want a no strings attached relationship if that is what you are looking for, that is only going to end swiftly and badly. So selection is really important when it comes to sex.
Once you have that though, I think one of the key things is a sense of playfulness. Being able to play, to have fun, to mess about in bedroom and mess about with each other without fear of failure. That is where things can get really enjoyable. Finding ways of exploring each other’s bodies as well is a really positive thing to do. Most people can be a little shy about it, and that is where a good “sex game” can come into its own. One of my favorites, is the no hands game.
How to play the no hands game
Get your partner to give you a massage, but without using their hands! They can use every other part of their body, but just not their hands. This starts slow, but soon you will find them stroking your entire body with their face, their hair and their boobs. It is surprisingly sensual, and it is not only great for you. If you get them to put their hands behind their back when they do it, but don’t restrain them, they will find themselves wanting to put their hands on you, but being unable to do so! This will cause sexual frustration on their part, building their own desire to be released from the restriction to jump your bones.
The game can be played both ways, so you to them or them to you. My understanding is that it works better with the girl doing it to the guy… but the only way to really know is to try it find out! So get naked, and remember, hands off!
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