If you are reading this, you are likely one of the many people that that is currently experiencing a “reduced” life service right now! You can’t go to all the places that you used to go, you can’t gather in groups that you used to, and your favourite places are shut or closing early. Life is not great right now. There are some basic pleasures that remain to us however. We can still enjoy good food and good meals, as long as we can cook them ourselves that is. We can enjoy relaxing over an evening with a glass of something whilst watching our favourite television program, and we can still have sex with our fuck buddy… or can we? There are many fears about the way that coronavirus is transmitted and whether you can have sex safely. I am here to dispel a lot of the myth and explain it based on the current science or understanding. Please remember that this is a changing area so this may get superseded by new science so it is always best to check for the latest updates.
How the coronavirus is spread
It is passed from person to person through contact with the saliva from the mouth or the nose. This is why masks are important and people are using screens and face shields, to prevented being in contact with other people’s saliva. At the moment there is no science that indicates that the coronavirus can be spread from having sex, either vaginal sex nor anal sex. So does that mean that you can have sex without having to think about catching covid?
Kissing, touching, stroking
It seems the issue is not the actual sex, it is all the things that usually happen before, after and even during the se. It is the kissing which exchanges saliva, and the touching and stroking of the other person that gives the contact that may mean that should they have COVID-19 that they may give it to you. In theory the sex itself is fine.
How to have sex safely
If you or your fuck buddy have symptoms, stay away. Leave it a few days and see if they pass. Whilst we don’t like having to wait to have sex, the wait can sometimes make it sweeter! If you do not have symptoms and you have effectively isolated for the relevant period you can be fairly confident it is safe.
Get your kink on
Have you ever tried to have sex without the kissing and the touching? Without breathing on each other where the only parts that are in contact are your genitals? Now might be the time to give it a try!
So you can have sex… but be careful and stay safe. You want to live to have sex again another day.
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